Women United Spotlight: Megan Merritt

April 09, 2020 | United Way Team

Learn more about Megan and why she’s involved with Women United in her spotlight blog!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. This could include where you're from, where you work, what you like to do in your free time, etc.

I’m a lawyer at Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC. I am originally from Kansas, but Iowa has my heart. Go Hawks! In my free time I like to read, draw and paint, and waMegan-1tch action movies with my husband, Rob.

What would you say is your motto or a quote you like to live by?

Give freely of your time and energy. It’ll come back to you from others when you need it the most.

What causes are you most passionate about? What are your favorite ways to give back to the community?

Healthcare and mental health. I believe that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right.  Everyone should be able to seek treatment when they need it.  I also believe we do not do enough to take care of our mental health.  We, as a society, need to talk about mental health to remove the stigma and incorporate good mental health practices into our daily lives.

Why did you decide to get involved with United Way and Women United?

I had a friend lose their employment and health insurance. They needed certain medications and were directed to the Community Health Clinic.  I did not realize that resource existed in our community and that was unacceptable. I needed to be aware of those resources, be aware of the needs those resources have, and help connect those resources to the members in our community who need it.  The bonMegan2us to joining was that I have met some incredible people that I can now call my friends.

Tell us a story about an experience you had with Women United where you realized that you were making a difference for the women in our community.

Our group toured ASAC Heart of Iowa. I saw women coming and going on that property, working hard to change their situation. When I saw the children’s toys on the playground, I knew we were making a difference. Not only are we helping individuals in our community get the help we need, we are impacting future generations and changing their future.

Do you have any advice for others who want to be more active in the community?

Don’t be shy. Approach someone and tell them you want to help. We have an amazing network of people that can help you find the right place to get involved.