Power of the Purse 2021 Recap

August 11, 2021 | United Way Team

Read more to see how Women United supports our community through this fundraiser.

On Tuesday, August 10, United Way of East Central Iowa’s (UWECI) Women United Leadership Society hosted their annual Power of the Purse event. The event, which wasDSC00728 emceed by Peg Bradke, this year’s Women United chair, forwards Women United’s mission of raising awareness and funds for local un- and under-insured women in our community who need access to healthcare services.

This year, Women United celebrated 15 years of helping women in Eastern Iowa. From prescription assistance and co-pays to mental health services, Women United members continue to strengthen our community by investing in women and supporting them in all stages of life.

Last year, funds raised by Women United members and events like Power of the Purse, helped nearly 4,500 women receive medical care with the help of their three community partners: Eastern Iowa Health Center (EIHC), Community Health Free Clinic (CHFC), and Area Substance Abuse Council (ASAC).

Women United and UWECI would like to thank the following companies who helped make this event possible:

This year’s Power of the Purse was a success with:

  • 80+ purses
  • A weekend stay at a cabin in Galena
  • A purse runway show featuring eight men who are supporters of Women United’s mission
  • A wine pull
  • And a total of more than $12,000 raised to help local women in need

When women support each other, incredible things happen!